Saturday, January 29, 2011

Self Made Solar Energy!
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Constructing your own solar panel or wind turbine will cost you no more than $100-150, few hours of your time and some patience!

Unplug your house from the electrical grid, plus, instead of paying your power bill, electrical companies would actually pay you for creating a renewable energy.

Most of the energy (approximately 94%) that we consumed is NOT renewable.

Sources of renewable energy that are used in-house are solar and wind energy. Being easy to produce, it counts only for 0.4% of the energy consumed today.

As I have mentioned, people simply don’t know how to benefit from renewable energy as they are not motivated due to the general thinking of it as being a complicated and very expensive process. The fact is that is very easy to use and anyone can build his own solar panel or wind turbine by following simple and clear instructions in the kit for a hundred dollars.

Among many sources of renewable energy, the cheapest and most efficient ways is by generating electricity from wind and solar energy.

Other more costly solutions are rather suited for big companies that are willing to invest the capital into the production of electricity needed for the entire company. Companies would sometimes buy wind turbines and solar panels to benefit from this source of energy, too. Buying, however costs around $ 1, 000 plus the costs of installation.

I have 12-year experience in building both solar panels and wind turbines. It has started off simple interest, and then I have built and installed it in my house, the house of friends, relatives and neighbors! I have noticed a lot of interest from people once I told them about benefits and easiness to use the renewable sources of energy.

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